Sedation Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry
We want your child’s experience to be as comfortable as possible. As part of this process, sedation dentistry may be recommended.
It’s not so scary after all.
At Leap, we want your experience to be as comfortable as possible. That’s why we always try to make your choices clear and present you with every option. As part of this process, we sometimes recommend using nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to make your child more comfortable.
In some scenarios, there may even be a need for general anesthesia. If this is needed, a licensed anesthesiologist will administer the general anesthesia, which is virtually the same as when a child has surgery to remove the tonsils.
No matter the situation, we always take things patient-by-patient and procedure-by-procedure, and your dentist will be happy to discuss the benefits and risks of sedation dentistry if this treatment is recommended for your child. This is how we make sure you get the treatment that is right for you and your child every single time.
Click here to find our Pre & Post Operation instructions for sedation
Oral Conscious Sedation (OCS) Instructions:
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Sedation (CRNA) Sedation Instructions: