We’re here for your family.
Dr. Michael Crowder is a general dentist practicing at Leap Kids Dental in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Dr. Michael Crowder, DDS
Fort Smith, ARBentonville dentist, Dr. Michael Crowder provides dentistry for children in Northwest Arkansas. He has been in practice for over 30 years and his favorite thing about his job is making his young patients smile!
From cavity, gum disease prevention and nutrition education, to extractions, space maintainers and sedation dentistry, Dr.Crowder considers it a privilege to work with parents and children and focus on their pediatric dental needs.
“My first job in high school was as a dental assistant/lab tech. Because of this, I have had a passion for dentistry and what we as dentists can do to transform people’s lives through restoring their mouths to health and the impact this has on their overall health. Dentistry is my passion and I do not consider it work.”
A native of Springdale, AR, Dr. Crowder is a man of faith and family. He is a devoted husband and father of four children and three dogs. With his family, he enjoys movies, table games, hiking, camping, fishing and kayaking. He also enjoys cooking, building things and smoking meat.
Dr. Crowder received his BS in Zoology from the University of Arkansas and his Doctorate of Dental Surgery from Louisiana State University.
Dr. Crowder is proud to serve his community and welcomes you to Leap Kids Dental Fort Smith!